Monday, June 25, 2012

Salon West is a local salon in Traverse City that was looking to update their website. They hired a woman to design the website, but needed someone to review and update the content. I personally worked with the owner and we revised every single word on the website until we came to this beautiful end product.

Sample Copywriting for OneUpWeb 2

This is another sample piece of work that I created during the application process for OneUpWeb. The purpose of this assignment was to invite people to a fictional company website that allows them the experience of customizing their own t-shirt resulting in an increase in overall online sales. Target audience was Gen Y.

The Freedom to Design for Me

If there’s an idea inside your head and you’re looking to share it with the rest of the world, why not do so on a t-shirt? Become your own designer on T-Spree! T-Spree is the newest, easiest, and most exciting way to design a t-shirt online and have it delivered to your door in a matter of days. Visit us at and get started on your very own custom t-shirt today.

Here at T-Spree we believe in allowing others to express their creativity without any boundaries, except that which can fit on the canvas of a t-shirt. This website was founded by a number of artists from all walks of life, but sharing in the love of t-shirt design. We believe that nothing is more personal than wearing your own art and your own mission statement, allowing the world to view it on an everyday basis. Join us in this revolution of art!

In today’s society, you can be judged by what you wear. Take control of what others see on your body by making sure it represents exactly who you are. Know that your design will be a unique creation, and that no one else out there will own anything like it. From now on you won’t have to wear what everyone else wears. You can be the individual you have always wanted to be. At T-Spree there is no need to compromise or conform to cookie cutter fashion or societal ideals. Your t-shirt will be completely original and 100% you!

Create any number of t-shirts at any time! Need new t-shirts for the entire team? That’s not a problem. Need just one t-shirt for yourself? That’s okay too. On T-Spree there are no minimum quantities and your shipping is FREE when you like T-Spree on our Facebook page! Sharing this love of art with friends and family is paramount to our new company, while also making it fun and affordable for everyone.

There are no limits to your imagination on T-Spree. Enter the design studio on our website where you can explore thousands of customizable designs and hundreds of fonts, leading to an infinite number of unique creations. Or if you are ready for the ultimate design challenge, start from scratch by uploading your own original image or photo! But the freedom to choose does not end there. Every one of T-Spree’s t-shirts is made of recycled cotton and they come in several different styles, sizes, and colors!

One of the most beautiful things about art is its ability to survive time and make history. Our printed designs are guaranteed to withstand everyday wear and tear. Our t-shirts are top quality, made in the U.S.A., machine washable, with environmentally friendly dyes that do not wash out or fade.

At the end of the day, be proud of your art and what you share with your friends, family, and the rest of the world. Be confident in the clothes you wear, knowing that it represents you both inside and out. Those of us at look forward to helping you design your new custom t-shirts!

Sample Copywriting for OneUpWeb 1

This is a sample piece of work that I created during the application process for OneUpWeb. The purpose of this assignment was to generate traffic to the fictional Arizonia Golf Properties site for possible lead generation (those interested in purchasing golf property in Arizona).  I had to define my target audience for this client and allow that to leading me in the correct direction for voice/tone of my piece.

Dear Golf Property Investor,

Looking for your dream environment? Enjoy golf? Arizona Golf Properties has been in the business of helping people find that perfect home on the green, vacation house, or piece of golf course real estate for over 30 years. Our expert realtors specialize in this unique kind of living. They are experienced, dedicated, reliable, and ready to help you today. Visit our website at and start your journey toward owning a luxury piece of golf property now!

With over 400 golf courses currently in Arizona, many with well established and friendly communities, allow us to be your guide. We guarantee that the right piece of property is waiting for you and that we can help you find it. Search top ranked courses, compare amenities, discover strong communities, and find the carefree living you have always wanted, all available on our website. Get all the information you need to begin your search in one place: view images of available properties, receive detailed overviews on individual homes and acreage, discover all that Arizona has to offer, and so much more. Get in contact with Arizona Golf Properties today by visiting the “contact us” page on our website! We are ready to answer all your questions.

Still not completely certain that a golf property is the best investment for you? Well, golf properties, even in a down economy, have held their value better than most other properties on the market. With its mature landscaping, vast acreage, and pristine scenery, golf properties appeal to those looking for a touch of luxury and value that continues to increase exponentially. Come see the beauty and worth of these properties for yourself in our online galleries.

Community is a big word we use when discussing golf property, but what we want you to know is that it is more than just a word we throw around. Community really means something when purchasing this kind of living. Not only does it mean being in an area full of exciting and entertaining things to do, such as golfing, tennis, swimming, sight seeing, shopping, and a variety of restaurants and fine dining, but it also means meeting and living around those who value the same kind of lifestyle you do. Picture yourself as a member of a country club, reaping the exclusive benefits of a golfing community. We at Arizona Golf Properties understand this because we appreciate our customers.

Arizona Golf Properties is proud to represent such a unique type of real estate. Our love of presenting new properties, promoting carefree lifestyles, and building strong communities for years is what makes us the best at what we do. We are especially excited to bring such detailed and significant information directly to you with just the click of a button. We look forward to personally showing you all that the state of Arizona and its wonderful array of golf homes, vacation houses, and golf course real estate has to offer you. Live where and how you want to live and let get you there.


John Smith
Executive Sales Manager at Arizona Golf Properties

Pinterest Report for Knorr Marketing

Before Doug Knorr and his other Account Executives left for High Point Market, one of the largest marketing conferences in the nation, he wanted to know more about the new form of social media called Pinterest and how it could apply to his furniture clients. Below is the report I presented to him and his executives.

Pinterest and How it Relates to Marketing Furniture

Pinterest is an elite online photo sharing website, designed for people to organize and share all the things they love on a virtual pinning board. Once invited to join Pinterest, one has access to millions of other peoples’ “pins,” the images that have been posted by a user. People use Pinterest for a number of different reasons. Some are looking to collect delicious recipes, share their favorite books, movies, music, quotes, and get great ideas for a new hairstyle, clothing, or DIY project. However, one of the most common uses is building one’s dream house! (See sample Pinterest board here: Users seek images on the web or use their own digital photographs of furniture, appliances, art, rugs, et cetera that they would love to own or provide inspiration for a design idea in their current or future home. Then, others who share the same passion for their style ideas can “like” the image or “re-pin” it onto their own board with the simple click of a button. Instantly, an image of a Victorian-inspired, teal, plush sofa, or contemporary, white sofa is at the fingertips of millions of Pinterest design fanatics.

So, what makes this important to furniture manufacturers and sellers and their marketing? First off, it’s free publicity. It wouldn’t cost a thing, but someone’s time, to open up a Pinterest account for the manufacturer or store or simply install Pinterest’s “Pin-it!” button on their already existing website. This way, someone perusing the furniture website can share the newest styles in furniture, or some old favorites, with the click of a button.

Even better, Pinterest, being an upcoming social media site, has aligned itself with other wildly successful forms of social media—Facebook, Twitter, et cetera. Now, if a “Pinner” so chooses, they may connect their Pinterest account to one or more of their other accounts, meaning optimum exposure for anything and everything they “pin.” That means, not only are these images going out to the millions of Pinterest users, but the billions of international “Facebookers” and “Tweeters.”

Manufacturers and furniture stores also need to be involved to maintain their branding. So many home furnishing images on Pinterest have no link back to their original websites, no logos, no pricing. The more the original supplier and/or original users of those images are involved, the more likely an image will lead back to its brand. In addition, with a Pinterest account, a manufacturer or store can track the amount of times the image of a particular item is “re-pinned” by users. This could be a great way to tell what people are actually interested in or at least dreaming out.

Another key point to make about Pinterest’s marketing abilities is that it’s not so much about making a sale as it is getting the look out there. Pinterest is about building inspiration, promoting new trends, getting a look at what’s in right now. Sales may come when a really interested “Pinner” clicks on the image to be instantly transported to the Seller’s website.

One of the best boards I’ve seen from a furniture store is Baer's Furniture ( because each of their boards is organized the same way any other “Pinner” would organize. They have a separate board for each room you could conceive of, with stunning photos exhibiting what beautiful rooms people can create with their furniture. Furthermore, to help people achieve these looks beyond just furniture, there are boards for accessories, color palettes, and Pinterest’s magical word—inspiration!


This is another SEPC ad I did for ECI. See the image of the original ad below and then my revision.

HEADLINE: Recruiting Physicians Across America


Est. 1972




Specializing in Quality Healthcare

-40 Years of Experience

-Working in 26 States

-With 100 Hospitals

-And 60 Physicians

-Building Great Partnerships

(ECI logo)

Emergency Consultants, Inc.

Start Your Career with ECI Now!

(800) 253-1795


For this SPEC ad I found the image of the Medical Recruitment ad below and then rewrote it for ECI.

(ECI logo)

HEADLINE: Physicians Recruiting Physicians

SUBHEAD: Committed to the Quality of Healthcare Since 1972


We’re not only dedicated to other physicians, but actively seek those who are equally committed to raising the bar in healthcare. After 40 years in the profession we have the ability to place you where your talents are not only needed, but valued.

For further information please visit us at

or call (800) 253-1795.

Physician-Focused◦ Physician-Led ◦ Physician-Owned